I  write mostly in my mother tongue Tamil but in order to have a wider reach including those who are unfamiliar with Tamil I write sometimes in English and this is with the same intention.
I feel many would be interested to know about Man’s Will and God’s will and the interaction betweend the two. One need  not be any philosopher to muse on this.    It is  the basic fact that God does not interfere with man’s free will.  He adopts an attitude of Udaasina (indifference).  He is known as Sakshi bootham. a silent witness to everything we do, allowing our free will to function.

Though God is a constant witness as I said above, He silently  observes our daily battles of life.  He sees all the happenings in the world  in which He does not get involved. It is only we who create  the causes for all that we do, think,  talk  and  feel,  and consequently adequately  we are  rewarded  as ”effects” on merit  for what we do. It is known as Karma effect..   When you sincerely seek to follow the moral codes of conduct laid down in the Sastras, of course, God is  there readily  to provide you the assistance through His devotees, the Rishis, authors of  Vedhas and Upanishads . He  supports,  encourages and provides  incentives for us to progress on spiritual lines.(“Prerita” =inducement)

God invests in us, a free will instructing us, to make best use  of  it,  to conduct ourselves as fit human beings. Only when Adharma (evil) increases beyond limits, He  himself intervenes as He deems fit, to set things right and put back humans on the right track. It is because He alone can handle such a catostrophe.

God dispenses his blessings on us, based on our merits.  If  we are deeply sincere, absolute,  unconditional and unflinching, e knows what is ultimately good for us. He answers our prayers  at all times without fail.

 It becomes  essential that we  should realise that we  cannot live without loving God.   The scriptures teach us “With the development of the notion of Karma, the attainment of the individual world  (Loka) was seen to depend on individual moral responsibility. Thus, however complex the system of the world  may appear to be in Indian cosmology, the conclusion  is,  man makes his own  world to live,  makint it  either a heaven or hell.  Everyone is wholly responsible for his present  state if affaur  and condition. We create  our own future and gets exactly what we deserve.
Souls leave their present bodies and enter the next place of existence, selected for it according to its karma palan in the process of evolution.
“Every act, every thought of ours, is weighed in the invisible none can escape the effect of it.  Divine laws cannot be  avoided or evaded.  We carry with us the whole of the results of our past deeds. It is our indelible record which time cannot blur nor death erase.
God  as  supreme power is ALWAYS WITHIN  every  individual,  NEVER WITHOUT, and dispenses justice whereby virtue is made to bring its own rewards and vice its own retribution. Justice is here on earth, if only you had the eyes to see and ability to realise.
The interrelationship of “Gods will” and “man’s free will” therefore  can be summed up  briefly thus:I may do whatever  I like; but whether I can do them  at all depends on God’s will.
I may live as I choose ; but whether I can live  so  depends on God’s will.
I may breath any air pure or polluted; but whether I  can ever breath at all is decided by God’s will.
I may see,  hear, smell, feel or taste as I wish ; but whether I will be enabled to see, hear, smell , feel or taste is beyond my control. It is in God’s control. The differences in the shapes of all  creatures are due to their past actions precisely as the seeds in the case of plants. Our actions depend on our ‘Vasanas’ (result of earlier karmas inherited over countless lives, in various births).
God dispenses the seeds precisely as per our Karma. God is indifferent to the fruits of Karma while we are concerned and affected!

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Krishnan Sivan

Sri J.K.Sivan, by profession is a specialist consultant in Marine Insurance, having been a top executive in International Shipowning Organisations abroad, besides being a good singer, a team leader in spiritual activities, social activist, and organised pilgrimage to various temples in the South covering about 5000 temples, interested more in renovating neglected, dilapidated ancient temples He resides in Chennai at Nanganallur.

Articles: 1426

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