My dear senior  citizen brothers and sisters

I was fortunate enough to be  the Secretary of  Senior Citizens Forum at Nanganallur, for some time and during that golden period  I  had  chances to interact  with  many of you residing  in and around  Nangnallur.   I observed what was felt by some of the members of the Forum  and list below the same, as  stated by them to me:

1.  ”I lived an uneventful existence.  I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t unhappy either. I was just sort of stuck”
”I had a good career, earned lots of money,  had great friends and a loving family but I feel  unfulfilled and unmotivated. I repeatedly lived  each day like the one before.”
3.   ” I look around me and see  that everybody within my own circle of friends, relatives, and immediate family are not different.  They too seemed stuck, unmotivated—like they were living their lives on automatic pilot.”

Please  think for a while.  Why this  pessimistic and unhappy feeling  of our brothers and sisters ?  It is  all a  self created  problem.  The key lies within your ability to accept what “is”

Here are 8 tips to help you make that choice:

You have no idea what you are supposed to be doing, or whom you are supposed to be  ”imitating”  because this is what  we do: conforming to external environment. We identify with ”things” defining who we assume to be ,  say,  a doctor,  an advocate, a salesman,  writer, driver, and cook,  etc besides  developing the feeling  ” I’m sad, unhappy, lonely, or miserable. I’m  angry, jealous, afraid, ”  and  feel dejected that  we  cannot  help it.–  we  conclude  ”I am  this.”      The fact is  that  
‘we are  none of these’.   We  are more important than  any of these identities. We are not the   ”professions” or  ”feelings”  or   ”circumstances” . We are not even our mind but  far  greater, superior  and  more  than what our mind projects.  
WE  ARE  VERY POWERFUL!!!!  than  what we think of us.

Catch every moment  regardless of any  obstacle or an opportunity.      Ignore fussing over trivial matters.  Focus on  what  is of real importance for you this moment.   LIVE ACCODINGLY.  Dont look for changes.  You make life difficult for you,  if you begin complaining  about anything.  
CHANGE YOURSELF to adapt to CHANGES offered by Life.  It is not a  practice-run.  Be bold and courageous. Decide on what  would really benefit your growth quickly.  Time always moves  steadily and dont lose it.  Quickly decide on changes you need. Your life depends on your  Your choice, Your  responsibility and Your power.

Our life is reflection of our own thoughts and beliefs.  What you see out is what you think within.  We do have  problems, tested by circumstances beyond our control.  While you have no control on what comes from outside,   you  can control your reaction to it. It is our mind and intellect, which is influenced by external occurrences.  Encourage only positive and beneficial influence to enter your inner  world.   Discard the rest. You have more control ”on you”  than you think.

Dont place  too much emphasis on others’ opinions about you.  It  will take  away your own personal power.  What  others say about  you, matters nothing and has no significance to who you truly are. Nobody knows you better than  you do.    Never take others’ reality as your own. Always believe that you can achieve anything you think.

You can compare yourself  with only  a person who is less fortunate and  learn how abundant your life truly is,  as a  matter of perspective.  Thank Almighty, and be  entirely grateful for what you possess and be contented.  If  you think  you need more, it is  endless. Focus on what you have, and not on what you lack,  and remarkably you will find  you   have enough.

You have arrived. Open your eyes and see that whatever you needed is with you already,   to make you happy and feel contented.  Happiness was packed inside you when you were born.  God has sent us down like that without any partiality.  It was just enveloped by all the external things you have identified. Be yourself and LOVE  YOURSELF completely and accept everything that you are.  Think you are  beautiful. Believe it, and remember it  always. Dont think you are  old and aged.. Never are you. You are  young as you were always. It is the mastery of mind over matter. Aging is only a process. I dont feel I am old at 85. It is the  mind set which makes all the difference.

You easily get heated  if  someone cuts you in traffic or jumps  the queue  ahead of you, when you are waiting, and your BP goes up and you react negatively. You are influenced by others’ actions and thus punish yourself because of  others. Don’t lose your  control. If you dont stay cool you are the loser in the end.

Our life moves on  and  be  conscious you have already  reached where you need to move  and remain  contented with  where/what  you are today and be happy because you are waiting for the right moment to shine  and ENJOY YOUR LIFE’S  JOURNEY because it is moving fast and  short.  Remember  EVERY ONE   WHO SAID GOOD NIGHT AND WENT TO  BED, HAD NOT WOKEN UP THIS MORNING AND  IT IS NOT ASSURED THAT EVERYONE  WILL  GO TO BED TONIGHT.!!!!!  YOU ARE LUCKY. 

Life has no guarantees. Every minute you enjoy living, blessing  experience.  If  you  remember this constantly it becomes  easy,  —   it is your choice, your own choice. Well  you may learn the above and  teach your  wards and  convey to your friends  also  for their benefit.  Incidentally do you agree with my observations?
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Krishnan Sivan

Sri J.K.Sivan, by profession is a specialist consultant in Marine Insurance, having been a top executive in International Shipowning Organisations abroad, besides being a good singer, a team leader in spiritual activities, social activist, and organised pilgrimage to various temples in the South covering about 5000 temples, interested more in renovating neglected, dilapidated ancient temples He resides in Chennai at Nanganallur.

Articles: 1397

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