Many friends reading my Garuda Puranam , Ramananubhavam and Gita posts ask me about ‘Karma’ It is not tricky, but can be simply put like this:

*Dont take revenge on any one. It is waste of time. Those who hurt us are sure to face and meet with their own Karma for their acts. There is no escape. The bird eat ants, but when the bird is dead, many ants eat it. Time turns on everything. One may think he is powerful, but Time is more powerful than anyone.
*Karma is not a common menu for all. We get ‘served’ what we ‘deserve’.
*Karma is watching and waiting. Let us be grateful, act with love for all,check our motives and be watchful of our attitudes. Let us forget and forgive what others do.
*No one can escape Karma. It knows our address and will follow us timely.
*Let us do good and certainly good alone will come back to us.
*There is no limitation or deadline for Karma. It will visit us. It is like the ball thrown on the wall boomeranging back on our face with same force..
*Doing wrong will return back to us. What goes around, comes around. If we do our best to others, then the best will return back to us. Dont think you are smart. Karma outplays us being a better player, and is more smarter.
*We have to face and go through the worst to get to the best
*Dont hate, forgive the wrong doer, and forget. Karma will take care of him or her who did the wrong to us.
*Karma is the universal law of ‘sow and reap’, ’cause and effect’
*Karma is the supervisor watching everything we do. It will take over for proper reaction for what is done to us. Accepting, encouraging and involving in doing evil to others, will ensure Karma rewarding us back with the same.
*How others treat us is their Karma, and how we react, is ours.
*Remaning calm and peaceful, solves many problems and bestow on us beneficial karma effects.
*Karma is like an elastic rubber band. If we stretch it too much, it will smack on our face.
*What I read somewhere :”One tree can help make million matchsticks but one match stick is enough to burn million trees.’ Karma is no different.

*Is the above on Karma, clear and helpful for you to understand and circulate to your friends also.

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Krishnan Sivan

Sri J.K.Sivan, by profession is a specialist consultant in Marine Insurance, having been a top executive in International Shipowning Organisations abroad, besides being a good singer, a team leader in spiritual activities, social activist, and organised pilgrimage to various temples in the South covering about 5000 temples, interested more in renovating neglected, dilapidated ancient temples He resides in Chennai at Nanganallur.

Articles: 1397

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